Surviving the Behavioral Portion of your Consulting InterviewIf you’ve decided on a career in management consulting and have been doing a good job in school/extracurriculars as well as networking…...
The consulting recruiting process demystifiedA lot of people want jobs in management consulting. Especially when you’re starting out in your career, it can seem like the perfect...
Case interview - 6 common math mistakes and how to prevent themStartFragment Strong analytical and logical skills are a prerequisite for basically every consulting companies, therefore showing strong...
5 Tips to Writing a Winning Resume for Management ConsultingSome of the questions I receive with high frequency are focused on how to write a resume good enough to successfully land an interview at...
The 5 consulting interview tips I would have liked to knowEndFragment During my university years I had the chance to attend a few company presentations held by McKinsey and BCG. I was extremely...